CHFA names top five natural health trends in 2017

The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) has released the top five natural health trends for health-conscious Canadians to look for in 2017. CHFA is Canada’s largest national trade association that represents retailers, manufacturers, distributors and importers in the natural health and organic products industry. “Canadians are becoming more conscious of their healthy habits,” says Michelle W. Book, in-house holistic nutritionist at CHFA. “By identifying these latest products in natural health, we want to help Canadians navigate through their health food stores and get a jump-start on their healthy year.”

Kale and quinoa were relatively unknown superfoods before they became the go-to choice for healthy eaters, but 2017’s trends include already widely known staples: sprouts and mushrooms. CHFA says the nutritional benefits from sprouts come from essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies don’t normally get access to when grains and seeds aren’t allowed to sprout. Mushrooms are not only a source of B-vitamins and minerals, but in 2017 are expected to become more commonly used in teas and supplements for its use as a potent immune system booster.

Food substitutes will continue to gain traction in 2017, with plant-based alternatives and smart carbs derived from beans. While soy and almond-based alternatives are already enjoying popularity, CHFA says to expect to see more alternatives made from flax seeds, hazelnuts and cashews. As well as providing a creamy texture, they are a source of many vitamins, including calcium, and contain almost no saturated fat and cholesterol. As well, CHFA says swapping traditional pasta for one refined from beans equates to better digestion and brain function, and a lower risk of insulin spikes for diabetic patients.

2017 will undoubtedly see more of a focus on the digestive system, as CHFA says that digestive enzyme supplements will also be on the rise. While foods have naturally occurring enzymes that break down our food, many are destroyed through cooking and processing. Supplements can boost the digestive system, allowing us to easier absorb nutrients while reducing bloating, indigestion and the likelihood of ulcers.

Visit CHFA for the full report.

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