Business Alert: File your accessibility compliance report

ontariogovlogoThe Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was passed in 2005, with the goal of making Ontario accessible by 2025. Businesses with one or more employees need to be compliant with Ontario’s accessibility laws. Additionally, a critical deadline is approaching for businesses with 20 or more employees.


Accessibility means giving people of all abilities opportunities to participate in everyday life. One in 7 people in Ontario has a disability. That’s 1.65 million Ontarians. By 2036 that number will rise to 1 in 5 as Ontario’s population ages. Businesses that are accessible will be able to better reach this massive segment of Ontario’s consumers.


If your business has 20 or more employees you are legally required to file a 2017 accessibility compliance report by December 31, 2017. You can download a quick and easy accessibility compliance reporting form at

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