
Mac’s lobbies for reformed sales of alcohol with promise of new stores, jobs

If granted the right to sell beer, wine and spirits at its 547 Ontario locations, Mac’s Convenience Stores Inc. would build 27 new, ultra-modern, $2-million stores within two years. The new stores would represent “$54 million of new, private investment in Ontario,” says Tom Moher, the company’s Vice-President of Operations for Central Canada. “And that doesn’t begin to include the …

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Agri-food industries are split on CETA

The new Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union (EU) has split agri-food interests in Canada. The agreement still has a few details to be worked out and could take up to two years to be ratified but when completely implemented, the CETA is expected to result in $1.5 billion in new agri-food exports including $600 million …

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Ultima finds the ultimate yogurt with iögo

iogo yogurt

Focus on development leads to success By Nicolas Heffernan When it came to R&D, Ultima Foods focused much more on development instead of research when it was launching its new brand, iögo. “We spent a huge amount of money on development rather than research,” says Gerry Doutre, President and CEO of Ultima Foods. “If you want to talk about pure …

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Canola oil can improve health

canola oil

Twenty-five years of studies has confirmed that canola oil reduces the risk of heart disease and suggests that it may also protect against other chronic diseases. A comprehensive review of scientific evidence over the last quarter-century shows consuming canola oil instead of other fat sources enhances health and can help consumers comply with expert dietary fat recommendations, as analyzed in …

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Atrium Innovations extends research partnership with INAF


Atrium Innovations Inc. announced today that it has extended its research partnership with the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF). The original program was launched in June 2011 and funded through the end of 2013. Atrium extended the collaboration until 2016. “We continue to see direct returns from this program in stimulating innovative product development, including the introduction of …

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Canadians more frugal due to rising food prices

food prices

Eighty-four per cent of Canadians believe the food they typically purchase has increased in price over the past year, according to the quarterly RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook Index. With rising food prices eating into their household budgets, an overwhelming majority of Canadians (91 per cent) say they will tighten their belts and make smarter decisions when purchasing food. The survey …

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Canada’s organic market worth $3.7 Billion


Canada’s organic market grew to $3.7 billion in 2012, with national sales of certified organic food and non-alcoholic beverages reaching $3 billion. The value of the Canadian organic food market has tripled since 2006, far outpacing the growth rate of other agri-food sectors. A diverse consumer base is driving the sector, with 58 per cent of Canadians buying organic products …

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Love your lentils

Canadian Lentils, in partnership with Chef Michael Smith, recently hosted a “Love Your Lentils Canada” competition, which challenged home chefs and food bloggers to develop and adapt recipes that could become a new favourite for family mealtime. All Canadians were invited to test them out and vote for their favourites. “Lentils hit all the marks: they’re easy to find, easy …

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Parents call for advertising limits

advertising limits

More than 20 national and provincial health and scientific organizations have joined together in support of a policy statement calling for a restriction on marketing of foods and beverages high in fats, added sugars or sodium targeted to children under the age of 13. Developed by a national group of health organizations led by Dr. Norm Campbell, Professor of Medicine …

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Yogurt linked to improved health

There is a growing body of evidence linking yogurt consumption to improved health, scientists say. The unique nutrient profile of yogurt has spurred research on its impact on a variety of topics such as bone and gut health, diabetes, body weight regulation, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Much of what is known about the potential health effects of yogurt has come …

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